
A little bit about myself: Im pretty easy going, carefree. I go with the flow some might say. And others might say reckless but hey, how is it reckless if it always ends up working out? My mom is Italian and my dad is Guatemalan so I have a great passion for life which sometimes can make me very hot-headed.

Above all else I believe in LOVE. Nothing more intoxicating if you ask me. I will go to ANY extent to protect what I love. if you done me right, I’ll burry a body for you. but I don’t take disloyalty lightly (Not very Italian of me at all).

I am super carefree though. I love music, art, pulling all nighter’s with my friends discussing common ideas or going to music festivals. I believe in being in the moment and worrying about the rest NEVER. we are here to love so fuck everything else. no need to worry the stars will align themselves to give you what you need( or nah it don’t matter).

Now some of the boring stuff, I came to the states to go to college. Got myself a B.F.A in acting at U.C.S.B, barely (killed my acting classes I just have a tiny bit of an issue with authority, thats all Imma say about that) and also got a degree in music production from Point Blank School. During college I joined a fraternity, so I can be a total Bro if needed (lets hope it doesn’t come to that). Another big passion of mine is singing and songwriting. I wrote and produced a hit single back home that played on the radio for like 6 months! i also workout hellaa–lifting, yoga, hiking, Crav Maga, you name it! Love big thrills and new experiences.

So yeah that’s me! hit me up if you want to hang out or whatever.
